早教| 2-5岁的男孩和女孩
Inspired by the practices of early education professionals in the Italian city of Reggio-Emilia, the 早期的学校 是否采用了类似的方法来创造所谓的“涌现” 课程— instructors collaborate with their students to design projects or investigations based on the students’ expressed interest. In this way, children’s innate curiosity becomes the engine of their learning. 接触到这种方法的学生往往会变得更加自信, 更加独立的, 也更有能力捍卫自己的教育, rather than relying passively on the direct instruction provided by a teacher. 即使在这么早的几年里, students prove themselves increasingly capable of caring for their learning environment as well as for the needs of others, thereby taking initial steps toward becoming “ethically responsible” citizens.
Teachers become intimately aware of each student’s contribution to the collective community, encouraging 协作 while respecting individual students’ pace and performance. 实践技能和更多的学术理解是学生在继续向上学习的过程中不可避免地需要的 学习螺旋 从调查中有机地浮现出来. In this way, learning becomes an experience of discovery, of invention, and of wonder.
- 该项目为2至4岁的女孩和2至5岁的男孩提供服务,是查尔斯顿地区唯一的此类项目.
- All lead teachers and the director are fully qualified and hold master’s degrees in education. 他们协同工作,提供一个准备好的环境,通过亲身参与促进个性化学习.
- 孩子们每天上法语课. Because young children best learn a second language through conversation, 学生通过一种改良的浸入式方法接触法语.
- 早期学校的特色是 工作室,or 艺术 space—for the young students to weave 创造力 into their daily explorations. 它是由 atelierista—or 艺术 teacher—who encourages the children to express their knowledge and observations through song, 运动, 和艺术.
- All early education grade levels enjoy weekly swim class throughout the year in the indoor pool.
学生们开始从雷吉奥-艾米利亚启发的教学过渡到一种更改良的方法,这种方法将使他们为在幼儿园和在整个学校里遇到的经历做好准备 较低的学校. Although students do receive more directed instruction in grades Kinderg艺术en through four, there remains a clear emphasis on other strategies consistent with emergent 课程 目标. 这在十大网赌平台推荐将学术标准融入学生主导的项目中是显而易见的,在十大网赌平台推荐的语言艺术教学中更是如此, 从学习单元中衍生出的技术, 由哥伦比亚大学师范学院开发. 阅读和写作是通过工作坊的方式教授的. These methods allow for students to become avid and skilled readers, writers, and inquirers. The programs stress the importance of each student directing the development of her own reading and writing projects, 指导但不受正式指导和同行评审的支配.
类项目, designed and developed by students in a manner similar to the investigations conducted in our 早期的学校, 提供合作,让学生实现自己的发现,从而继续感受到更充分地参与自己的教育. 这种信心是……的关键目标之一 十大最好的网赌平台的使命, 十大网赌平台推荐一直在努力为学生创造机会,让他们在课堂内外对自己的活动负责. These 协作s encourage cross-curricular studies that reveal to the students how seemingly disparate ‘subjects’ are, 事实上, 相互加强的学科-为他们未来的人文学科课程和跨学科的口头答辩项目和高级论文奠定基础的理解 上学校.
- 低年级提供了一个专门的科学实验室,每周都有动手指导,全年都有实地考察.
- 一名全职指导顾问为每个女孩的身体和情感需求提供个性化的关注.
- Encouraging young female engineers, the 较低的学校 features their own Lego team. 乐高活动通过让学生构建基于乐高的机器人来完成特定任务,从而向学生介绍现实世界的工程挑战.
- 日常数学 是课程的重要组成部分吗. 由芝加哥大学开发, 日常数学 强调数学在现实世界中的应用.
- 低年级扫盲计划使用学习单元, 由哥伦比亚大学师范学院开发, to foster a love of the written word and support students as they become independent, 自信的读者和作家.
- 每个幼儿园的孩子都会学习小提琴或大提琴,所有的学生都有机会参加包括弦乐在内的各种音乐课程, 钢琴, 和吉他.
也许无处可去 学习螺旋 帮助十大网赌平台推荐的学生获得所需的技能以“充满信心地迎接社会的挑战”,这一挑战是否比现在更严峻 中间的程序. 女孩, the ages between ten and fourteen are especially crucial to their physical, 情感, 智力发展. 社会问题开始占用学生更多的时间和注意力,同时,他们的学术责任变得越来越高. Physiological changes can add to the cognitive dissonance girls are experiencing. 认识到所有这些因素, 十大网赌平台推荐为五年级和六年级设计了一个为期两年的教学序列,强调阿什利霍尔同情心的特点, 洞察力, 协作, 情报, 创造力, 意志坚强, 和世俗. 本课程的一个核心组成部分是十大网赌平台推荐的STEAM项目——一个综合学生科学研究的跨学科项目, 技术, 工程, 艺术, 和数学. This approach includes introducing students to basic robotics and coding, 同时鼓励他们更清楚地看到这些不同学科重叠的各种方式,并以令人惊讶的方式相互作用.
因为这几年对十大网赌平台推荐的女儿来说是非常重要的, 十大网赌平台推荐努力建立一个专门的教师团队,他们紧密合作,协调各自的课程内容,确保每个学生都能得到所需的指导,从小学过渡到大学的学术和社会环境 上学校 (七至十二年级).
- 这个为期两年的项目是专门为青春期前设计的,在这个情感和身体发育的关键时期为每个女孩提供个性化的关注.
- Study skills are emphasized to ensure the student is ready for the fast-paced life of the 上学校.
- STEAM科学, 技术, 工程, 艺术, 和数学)课程从中级课程开始. Young students are encouraged to explore and pursue these fields of interest that are traditionally underrepresented by women.
- Students p艺术icipate in an 艺术 rotation that exposes them to visual 艺术 and music.
- 自信和自我表达是通过正式的演讲课程建立起来的. Girls present on a continuous basis to their classmates as well as at special assemblies.
- 中间的程序 students p艺术icipate in the School’s formal athletic program through Bantam sports such as volleyball, 篮球, 和网球.
当学生进入 上学校 in Jenkins Hall, they experience a quickening pulse in every aspect of their lives. 他们在前几年所做的一切准备工作现在开始在更复杂地应用他们所获得的技能和理解方面取得成果. 人文学科课程以学生主导的对话形式围绕哈克尼斯桌进行,鼓励每个学生与同学平等参与,这种方式让人想起她小时候在早期教育中心所享受的调查. 口语能力面试(OPI)用来评估她的法语或西班牙语流利程度,加强她对这些语言的理解,以此打开通往其他文化和文化的大门, 同时, 让她有信心更充分地成为世界公民.
每一年,学生们都在 上学校 发现更多的机会,锻炼他们的批判性思维,通过跨学科的研究,如口头答辩项目(ODP)的要求。, 毕业论文, 和高级项目. 这些活动中的每一个都包括一个公开演讲,学生们在演讲中展示他们对多个学科的掌握,因为他们涉及到一个单一的基本问题, thereby demonstrating their acquired authority in those fields of study.
As 上学校 students prepare to venture out into the world beyond 十大最好的网赌平台’s physical boundaries, 这样的世界也来到了十大网赌平台推荐的校园. 国际寄宿学生谁住在 伊丽莎白·里弗斯·勒万54年全球研究学院毕业 enrich the intellectual and cultural life of our community in countless ways. Their presence is a daily reminder that 十大最好的网赌平台 exists in a network—not a virtual, 而是一个真正的全球社交网络, 政治, 经济, 文化社区. 学生退出了这一阶段的终身学习 学习螺旋 牢记他们对这些社区的义务.
- 高年级的低年级学生——七年级和八年级——得到个性化的关注,确保他们成功过渡到高年级生活.
- 从八年级开始, students explore the humanities through the Harkness philosophy developed by Phillip Exeter Academy. Positioned around the oval Harkness table so everyone is seen and heard, 学生们通过分享想法和观点来学习批判性思维.
- College counseling begins in earnest during 9th grade preparing the student for the formal application process.
- The 上学校 features a strong science program that emphasizes hand-on experiences. 学生利用与南卡罗来纳医科大学的伙伴关系,与各个医学领域的领先研究人员密切合作.
- 美术机会比比皆是,许多女孩参加学校著名的红色合唱团和表演合唱团或各种戏剧作品. Visual 艺术 are explored through sketching and painting as well as sculpture.
- 国际寄宿计划从九年级开始,将来自世界各地的女孩带到阿什利大厅学习,为十大网赌平台推荐的校园提供全球视野.